The most recent in our Fraud Profiles Mini-Series brings you to Mexico. With the country being the funnel between the rest of Latin America and North America, it’s imperative that businesses understand what goes on with ecommerce throughout this country. Join host, Pablo Torres, as he explains the reality of cartels and how they can affect your business, and how urbanization trends have increased cases of ecommerce fraud.
Pablo Torres: Hey. I'm Pablo Torres, and this is True Fraud. This special episode is part of our latest miniseries, diving into the fraud patterns in different countries that are important to you as a global ecommerce business. Make sure to subscribe so you don't miss the next country deep dive. Mexico has been, you know, being one of the the biggest countries in Latin America and being one of those up up and coming markets, for ecommerce. It's so important to talk about the fraud that's happening there. Mexico, when you think about it, it's kind of the filter for North America, right? Everything that's coming from South America into the states or into Canada, it has to make it through Mexico. When you think about Mexico the first thing that probably comes to mind is the cartels, right? And so the cartels, yes while the the majority of their businesses, drugs and you know all of that, they're also diversifying their their activity. There's the the access to technology is greater than than it was, you know...