True Fraud #3 • Are Banks Fraud-Proof?

April 15, 2024
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In 2023, a network of Australian banks was the victim of a data breach, which begs the question; how safe is your money? Join host Pablo Torres as he explains how his team was able to detect the fraudulent activity linked to this breach before it hit the news. As always, you'll also get some insights into how to protect yourself from these attacks.


Pablo Torres: Welcome to True Fraud. I'm your host, Pablo Torres. I'm the head of risk and compliance at Reach. Today, we're gonna talk about something that a lot of people have probably seen over the news, something that has affected businesses in general, I think, specifically for online businesses and for possibly the people from Australia. There was an article that came out a few months ago, I want to say maybe 3 months ago, that talks about 4 of the main banks in Australia that were, I guess, attacked and they or they were subject to an attack of ransomware.

And there was a lot of data that was compromised during that attack. Here at Reach, we're always looking into what's hot, I guess, in the market when it's in regards to data and who has had access to it. Most of the time whenever you see articles like this is for something that happened months ago. When we started going through through a lot of the the the volume that we were seeing from Australia, where we have metrics, that we have, differen...