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What Reach does is it's disrupting an industry that's been stagnant, and usually when industries get stagnant, normal working people and small and medium businesses are the ones that pay the price. My name is Lohrasp Seify. I'm the Senior Vice President of technology, and I work at Reach.
Reach has a responsibility to both consumers and the merchants. "I see a charge. How can I handle the charge? The authorization rates that I have are very low." Collecting data on its own doesn't answer any of those questions. You have to combine data analysis with subject matter expertise on what actions need to be taken. Troubleshooting will get done faster because they don't have to do guesswork or have a bunch of back and forth with the consumer. That data is already there. Answering merchant questions is very easy and you have factual data, sales data, and you can share it with the merchant and you can have that conversation help out the consumers and the merchants in the best way possible and empower them to do more b...