Unlocking the B2C Payment Experience for the B2B World

April 25, 2023
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Our Merchant of Record model unlocks a streamlined B2B checkout for your new generation of buyers. Reduce fragmentation and capture more cross-border revenue.


Reach's ideal B2B customer is looking to give that kind of B2C experience, in the B2B world.

The B2B payment space is extremely fragmented, because there's no one that's really offering a global B2B checkout via like a drop in. So we're very happy to reach to not only be on the forefront of that now, but to continue that process. The buyers expect a seamless experience. All these standalone systems, we can seamlessly integrate with all of them to provide a unified solution that's plug and play. Every company right now needs to be looking at how they can optimize and where the save money. Companies can die in markets like this. The demand for customers to pay this credit card, that could be very expensive for a B2B company. It's even more expensive if they're processing that credit card cross border. You can't do it, because it's so costly. But with Reach, with our ability to unlock local acquiring, you can accept credit cards globally and save a ton of money....