Are chargebacks something you need to be worried about? Should you be monitoring your chargeback ratios with your Visa or Mastercard account? True Fraud host Pablo Torres says yes. In the new age of drop-shippers, and quick-launch ecommerce businesses, many are overlooking this crucial part of payments. With new rules and regulations coming up, Pablo is explaining exactly what you need to know about Ethoca, Verifi, CDRN, and RDR.
Pablo Torres: Hi. Welcome to True Fraud. This is Pablo Torres, your host. Today, we're gonna talk about, some of the new products. Well, not so new products that are kind of gaining momentum in the payment industry.
Given where things are going with the new type of websites or the new type of, I guess, I should say, maybe ecommerce or online businesses that we're seeing, I think it's it's super important, and it's so relevant to to just stay on top of these things. Specifically, I'm talking about Verifi and Ethoca. Both of these products have been around for a number of years. Actually, I think they were both created around the same time in 2005 and then kind of around the same time, they were also acquired by the credit card schemes, around 2019. Verifi being acquired by Visa and then Ethoca being acquired by Mastercard. Yeah. So, basically, Ethoca, what it does is they whenever a merchant or a website is enrolled with Ethoca or Verifi for that matter, If there is a chargeback that's being filed and the ch...
Given where things are going with the new type of websites or the new type of, I guess, I should say, maybe ecommerce or online businesses that we're seeing, I think it's it's super important, and it's so relevant to to just stay on top of these things. Specifically, I'm talking about Verifi and Ethoca. Both of these products have been around for a number of years. Actually, I think they were both created around the same time in 2005 and then kind of around the same time, they were also acquired by the credit card schemes, around 2019. Verifi being acquired by Visa and then Ethoca being acquired by Mastercard. Yeah. So, basically, Ethoca, what it does is they whenever a merchant or a website is enrolled with Ethoca or Verifi for that matter, If there is a chargeback that's being filed and the ch...