Increase Authorization Rates in the World's Largest Markets

April 25, 2023
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Empower your brand to sell into global markets experiencing enhanced consumer opportunity with our dynamic model and increase your conversions.


You know, I came in about a year ago, and so most of our business was serviced in the US market. There have been some clients in Australia and Europe and kind of scattered in various areas, but really where we've been seeing a lot of lift and interest for Reach is in these more exotic markets such as India, Bangladesh, Israel, and so a lot of these clients are trying to go into markets, such as the US, where there's a lion’s share of revenue and consumer opportunity in those markets.

We're able to immediately provide them benefit. If you're a merchant base in India and you're trying to sell into the US or Canada, let's just say Europe for example, typically your authorization rates are gonna be 50% so you're gonna have 30% of your clients or 40% of your clients, they're just gonna get inadvertently declined between that issuing bank and that acquiring bank when they're matching that transaction. We can provide them an almost 30-40% uplift. So there's a huge demand for that in these markets. Where we kind of...